
The Y’s Men Ancient Mariners Boating Group links members who own boats in local harbors with members who enjoy serving as crew, or simply like getting out on the water along our beautiful Long Island Sound coastline. The group currently holds local sailing and powerboating events on members’ vessels every two weeks during the boating season, weather permitting. The sailboats typically anchor and raft up at a protected local anchorage for an on-board lunch, while the powerboats often travel to more distant ports in CT and NY to have lunch at a restaurant. Our future plans include organizing overnight or multi-day cruises to other areas, as well as a possible off-season sailing charter in the Caribbean. Y’s Men with sailboats or powerboats and others interested in serving as crew or passengers are encouraged to join the Ancient Mariners Group at any time. We typically hold meetings, in conjunction with other Y’s Men events or meetings, near the beginning of each month during the boating season. Prior boating experience is not required, but some agility and experience is preferred for active crewmembers.

Y’s Men interested in joining us should contact George Kalan (Email:; Mobile Phone/Text: (203) 856-1250).

Ancient Mariners History

The Ancient Mariners had its roots in a group of local sailors who founded the Wednesday Sail Group as a part of The Saugatuck River Power Squadron. In the early 1980s, a five day cruise to Block Island was organized by Bob Bosch and Y’s Men member Neil Croarkin on their boat “Joan II”, plus Budge Atterbury, with his twin sons, on his boat “Suntop”.

This initial cruise evolved into an annual affair, with six to twelve boats, each crewed and captained by a Power Squadron member or a current or past member of the Y’s Men. During a planning meeting, a fleet captain would be elected and then ports of call were selected. Ports included Duck Island Roads, Stonington, Newport, Block Island, Mystic Seaport, Watch Hill, Essex, Shelter Island and a final night at the Thimble Islands. The boats typically left on a Wednesday in the first week of June and returned the following Sunday. It was an excellent way for the sailors to enhance their boating skills under all conditions and enjoy the fellowship.

At first the group was all sailboats and many members were still working. When all retired and joined the Y’s Men, the club adopted the “Ancient Mariners” name at the suggestion of Bob Suskind. At that time, the group started weekly Wednesday day cruises for lunch at an agreed port of call. Bill Reynolds made out the itinerary for the entire summer. It was planned for favorable tides going and returning and included favorite stops at Sheffield Island, Eaton’s Neck, Ziegler’s Cove, Captain’s Cove, East End YC, Black Rock YC, South Norwalk Boat Club, Fayerweather YC and Stamford YC. Stamford YC was a special destination where all sported ties and jackets.

Over time, many members migrated from sail to power, adding to the challenge of selecting suitable lunch destinations for all. Mario Sa’Couto did a fantastic job of leading the Ancient Mariners and keeping it viable for many years, with weekly lunch destination trips to ports in CT and NY on his 45’ powerboat “Sagres III”. He also organized trips to more distant ports and early spring sailboat charters in the Caribbean, Croatia and Greece. Unfortunately, Covid 19 put an end to the Ancient Mariners activities, Mario sold his boat and the group ceased all boating activity. It remained dormant until it was relaunched for the 2024 boating season by a small group of interested Y’s Men with Mario’s guidance and encouragement.

Current Status of Ancient Mariners Relaunch Effort

Since our initial kickoff meeting in late June 2024, we’ve signed up twelve boats (three large and four smaller powerboats, three midsize auxiliary sailboats and three daysailers) plus twenty-nine crewmembers. Additional boatowners and crew are signing up each week. In the seven weeks following our kickoff meeting, we’ve had four sailing events and one powerboat event, with another powerboat trip to Northport, NY planned within a week. The future of the Ancient Mariners looks promising once again!

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