Y’s Men of Westport / Weston

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Dear Y’s Man:


As the summer seemingly rushes to its inevitable end, we remind you that the Y’s Men Classical Music Society awakes from its seasonal hiatus with a meeting on Tuesday, September 3, from 2:45 to 4:15 pm at the Westport Center for Senior Activities.


We lead off the new season with Michael Tilson Thomas’s examination of the music of Charles Ives which has been described as “ranging from tender sentiment to savage chaos.”  Those warring themes echo Ives’s enigmatic life in which he believed that we should all be brave enough to go it alone, yet he made a comfortable living in the insurance business  Focusing on Ives’s Holidays Symphony, Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony unwrap the layers of the work to reveal a surprising musical portrait of New England.  “From the intimacy of the winter hearth to the explosive concussion of the 4th of July, we’ll discover Ives’s insights in the confrontational crunch of his music,” according to one write-up..


Please let us know if you would like to attend because reservations are required.


Many thanks,



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