Y’s Men of Westport / Weston

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One of the most important Y’s Men Community Service initiatives is our partnership with Westport’s VFW Post 399 in sponsoring several of their monthly American Red Cross Blood Drives at the Joseph J. Clinton VFW Hall on Riverside Avenue.  Our first sponsorship of the Y’s Men year is scheduled for  Wednesday, October 23 from 1pm to 6pm.  There are two ways to participate:


  1. Sign-up to donate blood on-line at redcrossblood.orgor through the American Red Cross Blood Donor App


  1. Volunteer to help greet, sign in and serve refreshments to donors.  Please contact Y’s Men Blood Drive Coordinator Jay Dirnberger at jaydirnberger@gmail.com


Donating blood is one of the easiest and most important ways we can support our community.  Please join your fellow Y’s Men in giving the gift of life.

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